Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mar-Ex mag publishes op-ed re STORIS, GSA AND MARAD

A new op-ed piece has been published in Maritime Executive magazine related to STORIS and her disgusting disposal by the Federal Government. It encompasses the recent GSA FOIA response and MARAD's minimal involvement beyond serving as physical custodians of the ship while she was on museum hold. This is discussed within the larger context of ship recycling. 

As we have discussed, GSA should never have been involved with the disposition of STORIS. Several federal laws have been broken. There needs to be change and there has to be accountability and consequences. 

I will be posting an extensive response to the piece later. In the meantime, I would encourage STORIS Vets and supporters to pipe up and post how their feelings about what GSA bureaucrats did with the ship, following their ignorance, arrogance and incompetence. They showed no consideration whatsoever for the accomplishments or historical significance of that ship. It's an insult to STORIS, her Veterans, to the United States Coast Guard (even though USCG is complicit, too), US Maritime Heritage, and the entire country, considering what that magnificent ship and all of her Veterans did for this country. 

This is more proof of why we need to support passage of the STORIS Act legislation. Several Vets have sent me letters. Join us. Send me your Zip Code +4 numbers and I'll send you a customized template to send to your legislators. We need to speak up for STORIS. 


Send me email at cgcstorisqueen@gmail.com. 

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